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No hydro

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Is there anyway I can access my home internet's wi-fi with my phone or tablet without having any power to my apartment? Or can I take my modem and plug it in to someone else's apartment and it still work under my network  or can I portable hotspot or ??? I am going crazy! My hero's been cut off and but my home internet I still have and want to wirelessly access it. Thank you for any tips or tricks!



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @elx2 Welcome to the Community!

Your modem is registered to your home address. If you plug it at another address, you won't be able to connect to your internet over there. As soon as your electricity comes back up, you'll be able to connect back to your modem.

Hope this helps!