June 2022
So what is going on here? Feminist colours contest? What's next? Gay pride contest? Then gender equality contest? FIDO stay clear of these subjects. I am not a Feminist, nor do I want to be, so the contest I need not enter. What do you have for us NON FEMINISTS (in other words real men) in this contest? NOTHING! I am not a JUSTIN TRUDEAU! this is 100% Discrimination. Better stop with this **bleep** while you can. You are opening a can of worms. One for all and all for one
Do not bring diversity onto this platform.
July 2022
I full heartedly agree. im getting very tired of hearing opinions from businesses that have nothing to do with their products. Thinking its time to start using my dollars to express this. I don't care to know their social or sexual beliefs or preferences. You are a business, please act accordingly.
July 2022
So I replied, the forum will allow the word vigina, but bleeps ou peeeenis if I spell it the correct way. What a joke.
July 2022
June 2022
Hello Albert1956,
Diversity is one of the hallmarks of Canada. I understand you might not be interested in entering one of the current contests. No one if forcing you to enter any contest which does not appeal to you. While you might not be interested in that particular contest, you cannot claim there were no contests which suit you. From your previous posts, you have felt at least one of their contests was deserving of entering. In fact, it appears you might have been one of the winnners of that contest. Congratulations!
Not every contest is not going to suit everyone. That does not make it discrimination.
PS Real men can support Feminism
July 2022
Now you bleeped out **bleep**? Seriously?
July 2022
July 2022
The fact is that you are afraid of controversy
You are afraid of stepping on someone's toes,it is easier for you to disagree with me because you are scared of getting reprimanded from your piers. That in fact seems to be everyone's problem these days.. go with the flow. We'll sorry. I don't care what you a think.
July 2022
Hello again,
You know nothing about me. You even assume I work for Fido, which I do not. You do not have the right to blindly judge others. Don't worry, I feel like I'm a good enough of a human being to not have to be concerned about getting reprimanded by my peers.
It's fair that you don't care what I think. I don't need you to. However, that's rich coming from you since you expect for others to care what you think by starting this thread. You are entitled to your opinion. However, you don't get to tell others what to do based on those opinions.
June 2022
Ah, the fragility of humanity. We wake up everyday and put our feet on the floor. If we're fortunate enough to have both feet. We as human beings, try our best to live our best lives without destroying someone else's. Sounds great doesn't it? Unfortunately it's still a work in progress. I wish everyone a terrific day and ongoing health and happiness. Just another person's perspective š
June 2022