I recorded my personal greeting and saved it (from my Iphone). However, when someone calls my voicemail the standard Fido voicemail message still plays. How do I change this so that my personal greeting is heard? When I select the options (option 3), there doesn't seem to be an option to select personal greeting or special greeting. Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @GarSte hmm, when I call in, I select option 3, then 3 again, then 1 to record general message, then #
You may have to call tech support at *611 from your device and have them reset your voice mail so you can set it up from fresh star. Make sure if you have any voice mail messages to write th down as you will lose them if you reset. Hope that gets figured out.
Thank you for responding.
Good morning @GarSte , to have your personal greeting used instead of standard greeting, go to your voice mail and select option 3 to access personal options. Then select modify general message, Don't record a special message ,instead select general message and record your message
That should take care of it