Hey CarmenShoukrall!
Welcome to the community!
With regards to your first question, could you please provide more information about the humming sound that you are inquiring about such as when this occurs and when you purchased the Home Phone ser...
Hey guys!
I know this is a pretty old post but I would like to provide some up-to-date information about this in case anyone else comes across this and needs their PUK code.
You can actually find your PUK code when logged in to your My Account p...
Hey everyone!
I know this is a pretty old thread but I thought I would provide some updated information in case anyone came across this in the future.
There is no longer any minimum data plan required.
For all plans released on or after August...
Hey guys!
I know this is an old post but I thought I would provide some up-to-date information in case anyone else were to come across this post with a similar inquiry.
In order to use an unlocked device with Fido, your device must be compatible...
Hey elizabeth1968!
I know this is pretty old but I just saw this and I thought I'd provide some updated information in case anyone else comes across this and needs the voicemail retrieval number.
There are now only two voicemail retrieval number...