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I'm helpful level 1
Member since January 2017

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1. Stream your content offline If you're the kind of person who likes watching Netflix in the bus or listening to Spotify at the gym, take the habit of streaming your content offline instead of directly on your data. It may sound complicated but it r...
1. Streamez votre contenu hors-ligne   Si vous êtes du genre à regarder Netflix dans l'autobus ou à écouter Spotify au gym, streamez votre contenu hors-ligne plutôt que directement sur vos données. Ça sonne peut-être compliqué, mais en gros ça veut j...
Have you noticed recently an increase in the volume of calls made to your phone number by international callers you don't know nothing about? As for myself, I've been receiving dozens of calls a day over 2 weeks coming from indian numbers I had zero ...
If Your iPhone Doesn't Turn On or Is Unresponsive   You wake up one fine morning and reach out for your phone like you do everyday to see the latest food pics that your friends posted on social media, but something's not right this morning. Your iPho...
How to Put Your iPhone in DFU Mode   The DFU mode is kind of a technical process, but roughly what you need to know is that this will allow iTunes to restore your iPhone from any glitchy state. It's not something you'll want to do lightly though, you...