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Cancel my home internet connection

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi, Please let me know how I can cancel my home internet connection





I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi, Customer support is giving me hard time and trauma in cancelling the connection. WHY? If am not interested in continuing why they are pushing me to take connection of rogers????


I would really appreciate if someone take care of cancelling my connection. This is March 8th and the time is 7:36 and its almost 54.36 minutes of call. Guys so much of trauma.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

My third time calling, and 2:34 later. TWO HOURS, two agents is this acceptable. Did they think people wouldn't cancel and we would just continue to pay them until the end?

Hey @Anjkul24! We're really sorry to read about your recent experience with us. That's definitely not the kind of service we want to provide. 

Hey there @simar7 


Have you received an emaill regarding the migration of your home internet service to Rogers?


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

What if you don't want to migrate. We call and call and they keep shoving Roger's down our throat. Some of us just want to cancel our service. How do we do that when we call fido interent and are connected with Rogers ignite reps who can't help. This is exploitive business pratices.