When trying to retreive voice mail. Typical ROGERS phone. After I enter the FIDO phone number, followed by the # key. It hangs up. Solution please. It had worked fine it the past. Sincerly, Nullandvoid.
Yes, ... um? That exactly what is happening. From a ROGERS phone. Dialing the FIDO Voicemail retrevail number. After entering the FIDO phone number. Followed by the '#' key. It hangs up.It had worked before. Now I have a Motorola E3 phone.Everything ...
Please read the posts again. Sugestions are apreciated. I checked my FIDO message service.It is set up correctly.It is when I try to access my FIDO messages on a ROGERS cell phone. Never tried it on a landline. When I enter my FIDO phone number. Foll...