Hi Julien, Issue wasn't resolved yet. Not sure what was the above URL that you shared becasue I could not access the URL as I am getting the below message. "You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action....
Thanks, Julien. Yes, I did discuss with the customer support for almost 4 hours yesterday. After troubleshooting, they asked me to monitor for 24 hours, but the issue wasn't resolved yet.
If I modify the security level to Typical, it's working. I noticed another thing that both vonage and whatsapp audio is not connecting if it's maximum. Any solution will be appreciated. I don't think Fido support is going to give any solution. We may...
I just got Fido internet. My whatsapp voice calls are not working both incoming and outgoing. Any solution will be appreciated. I also noticed after setting up the WiFi and it says Weak Security. I checked the router setting and the security level is...