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Urgent Resolution Needed: Misleading Communication and Billing Issues

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Dear Fido Team,

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and frustration regarding the miscommunication that I have experienced with your team. I recently signed up for a deal that included 3 mobile lines with a $25 monthly package, along with a $50 credit per line. Throughout the process, I was explicitly assured that there would be no connection fee, and this was even confirmed during the activation of the lines. This information was documented in your notes as well.

However, to my shock, I received a bill of $215 that includes setup charges and additional usage fees. The usage charges are particularly puzzling as the numbers I dialed were local calls within Canada. This situation is not only ridiculous but also a significant waste of my time and energy.

I attempted to resolve this matter by calling your customer service multiple times. After several attempts, I was finally able to schedule a call back, but the lady directed the blame to winback team and schedule another call back request, which was set for 12 PM today 31 Aug, 2023. However, the promised call never came. What adds to the frustration is that the blame for these issues is being shifted from one team to another, with no one taking responsibility for the miscommunication. I urge you to address this matter immediately. 

I believe in a fair and transparent relationship between customers and service providers. The current situation, however, is far from this ideal. I kindly request that you take swift action to rectify these issues and provide a satisfactory resolution.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Shashi R



Hey @shashiraja30! Welcome to the community. 🙂


I'm sad to read about your experience. I can certainly understand your frustration with this situation!


Has there been any change since your post? If not, do let us know.

