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About cestnico99-
All cestnico99-'s Badges
All cestnico99-'s Badges
cestnico99- has earned 11 badges!
You've Registered!
November 2019
Earned by 571,703
Welcome to the Fido Community. You've successfully registered! We look forward to seeing you around.
First like received
September 2019
Earned by 10,876
Congrats on receiving your first like in the Fido Community. Here's to many more!
September 2019
Earned by 1,474
Well done! You've received 5 likes; you must be likeable!
Popular opinion
September 2019
Earned by 366
Your input is appreciated. Congrats on getting your 10th like!
First reply
September 2019
Earned by 24,632
Way to go! You just posted your first reply in the Community. Keep it up!
First like given
September 2019
Earned by 10,894
Awesome! You've given your first like in the Community. Keep em comin'!
September 2019
Earned by 709
You've given 5 likes! Thanks for showing other members that you appreciate their content.
September 2019
Earned by 257
You've given 10 likes - awesome! Looks like you know what you like.
10 Sign Ins
September 2019
Earned by 14,646
If we had a welcome mat, you would have seen it 10 times now!
The Community turns 9!
September 2019
Earned by 4,809
September is the only month whose number of letters in the name corresponds to the number of the month. Cool, huh!
9th Bday Contest Participant
September 2019
Earned by 642
Thanks for participating in the 9th Birthday Contest! Good luck!