FidoJudhy has earned 43 badges!
You've Registered!November 2019Earned by 572,548Welcome to the Fido Community. You've successfully registered! We look forward to seeing you around.
Show and tellJanuary 2016Earned by 1,141Thanks for uploading 2 images to the Community! Did you use one as your profile pic?
First like receivedJanuary 2016Earned by 10,886Congrats on receiving your first like in the Fido Community. Here's to many more!
LikeableJanuary 2016Earned by 1,475Well done! You've received 5 likes; you must be likeable!
Popular opinionJanuary 2016Earned by 366Your input is appreciated. Congrats on getting your 10th like!
Round of applauseJanuary 2016Earned by 65You've notched up 50 likes. You deserve a round of applause!
ReputableJanuary 2016Earned by 42Woah, look at you! 100 likes in the Community! Clearly, you're awesome.
ReveredJanuary 2016Earned by 29Looks like you're becoming pretty popular. 200 likes is no easy achievement - congrats!
HonoredJanuary 2016Earned by 20Wow, if you had a dollar for every like you received, you'd be rich!
First replyJanuary 2016Earned by 24,652Way to go! You just posted your first reply in the Community. Keep it up!
Breaking the iceJanuary 2016Earned by 1,892Awesome! You posted your 5th reply. Thank you for your contributions!
Getting involvedJanuary 2016Earned by 595Thanks for getting involved in the Community! That's your 10th reply. Pretty cool!
Sharing my inputJanuary 2016Earned by 10450 replies! You're really getting your name out there, well, your Community alias that is.
True ContributorJanuary 2016Earned by 78Impressive. You have posted 100 replies! You're becoming quite the contributor. Hats off to you!
ImplicatedJanuary 2016Earned by 57Sweet! That's your 200th reply. That's awesome - keep it up!
CommentatorJanuary 2016Earned by 47Congrats, you've posted 300 replies! Your level of participation is totally awesome. Looks like you're making a name for yourself.
ExperiencedJanuary 2016Earned by 35Amazing, you've posted 500 replies in the Community! Who's awesome? You're awesome!
VersedJanuary 2016Earned by 27Wow, your 750th reply. That's incredible! Do you feel proud? 'Cause you should.
1000 repliesNovember 2016Earned by 20Thank you so much for your contributions to the Community. This is quite the milestone!
Word SlingerDecember 2016Earned by 16Quick on the draw, we see. Your name is all over the Community! Keep it up!
First like givenJanuary 2016Earned by 10,910Awesome! You've given your first like in the Community. Keep em comin'!
AppreciatorJanuary 2016Earned by 709You've given 5 likes! Thanks for showing other members that you appreciate their content.
AdmirerJanuary 2016Earned by 257You've given 10 likes - awesome! Looks like you know what you like.
GenerousJanuary 2016Earned by 57Amazing, you've given 50 likes. People love compliments and you my friend, are generous! Keep it up!
First topicMay 2016Earned by 27,805Congratulations! You've started your first convo in the Fido Community. Good job!
Conversation starterMay 2016Earned by 432Awesome - you've started 5 topics! You seem to be quite the conversation starter!
OutspokenMay 2016Earned by 121Congrats! You started 10 topics in the Community. Hats off to you!
First solutionJanuary 2016Earned by 1,017Congrats! Your contribution was accepted as a solution! Your very first Solution… how does it feel?
Helping handJanuary 2016Earned by 105Thank you for your contribution to the Community! 5 of your replies have been marked as solutions! Keep being awesome!
Problem solverJanuary 2016Earned by 83Hey Ohhh! 10 of your posts have been accepted as solutions! You're becoming an expert problem solver!
Been there, done thatJanuary 2016Earned by 6725 of your contributions have been marked as solutions. That's pretty impressive! Way to go!
On the ballJanuary 2016Earned by 49Congratulations! 50 of your posts have been accepted as solutions! Thanks for your input!
Puzzle ResolverJanuary 2016Earned by 29Stunning! You just posted your 100th solution. You're paving the way for others my friend! Totally awesome.
Expert Trouble ShooterJanuary 2016Earned by 15Wow! You've written 200 posts that were accepted as solutions! Consider yourself an Expert Trouble Shooter!
Human EncyclopediaJanuary 2016Earned by 9300 Solutions? Seriously… 300? You're a human Encyclopedia! How do you do it? Honestly, we want to know.
EinsteinJanuary 2016Earned by 6You've posted 400 solutions in the Community. This is so incredible. The only explanation is that you are Einstein reincarnated.
Solution designerJanuary 2016Earned by 4The title speaks for itself… What don't you know? 500 of your replies have been marked as solutions! That's incredible!
10 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 14,667If we had a welcome mat, you would have seen it 10 times now!
25 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 1,838Knock knock, who's there? You are!
50 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 506Dropping in for a visit? That's 50 times now! You must like this place :)
100 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 157100 sign ins! Here's to 100 more!
250 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 67Quarter of a thousand sign ins, not bad not bad! Happy to have you :)
500 Sign InsOctober 2018Earned by 45You signed in to the Community 500 times now. High 5 hundred!