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Unlock and Data in my iPhone 5 !

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

i bought a iPhone 5 from Fido the day after they start selling iPhone 5, it over 7 or 8 months till now, now if i want to unlock my iPhone i have to call them and pay 50$ for unlock it ?

my data plan ( i don't know how to say it ) is 1GB, my aunt said if i used my iPhone over 6 months i can call them and say i want my data from 1GB to 6GB, is it real ?

sorry for my bad english !

thanks Very_Happy



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hi there KhangNghi,


Yes unlocking your phone costs 50$.


Sorry, we no longer offer the 6GB data option.