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*Making sure these dates are accurate is our priority. However, sometimes things change beyond our...
Looking to enjoy a totally affordable way to stay connected while you travel? Fido Roam. Fido...
still havnt recieved a confirmation email,, please help. i need internet by the end of this week. i signed up with the expectation i would have it by the end of the week
Just got Fido internet service since Dec,2020, I found my modem will reboot occasionally, please help on how to fix this
Hi, my internet keeps disconnecting randomly and automatically restarting. It is happening tiwce in a week.
Our new Modem doesn't connect to current wiring. Currently connected through phone wire. No coaxial connection.
1. I set up my Fido modem as a new 150 Mbps customer 2 days ago. After a great deal of time troubleshooting, I have been unable to successfully get the 5GHz network to work. Both channels show as "on", but even after disabling the 2.4GHz, there was n...